Sunday, February 11, 2007

Amsterdam by Night!!

Sexta-feira fui passear à noite! Aqui estão algumas fotos do ambiente nocturno de Amsterdam.

Claro que não tirei fotos no RLD porque fiquei um bocado com vergonha de ficar especado perante tanta tipa descascada!! Um bocado de exagero, digo-vos.... Há de todo o tipo! Que cena marada!!


Goldie said...

What have your blue eyes seen? :-)

Snovit said...

... Amsterdam, with the river Amstel helping to give a lively current to its canals, with its patchwork of water streets, its long double rows of trees which seem endless, its palaces, its magnificent houses with machicolated roofs, and, above all, the quaint craft, the old Dutch galleons, with their shadowy sails, their fine brown color, their queer round outlines, their unending picturesqueness…It is a dream of color and tender tones… It is my dream!

Kabanellas said...

A red-light district is a neighborhood where prostitution and other businesses in the sex industry flourish. The term "red-light district" was first recorded in the United States around 1890, and derives from the practice of placing a red light in the window to indicate to customers the nature of the business. The color red has been associated with prostitution for millennia: in the Biblical story of Rahab, a prostitute in Jericho aided the spies of Joshua and identified her house with a scarlet rope.